Neutral oil for frying (e.g. sunflower or vegetable)
Preheat your oven to 150°C and take out a baking dish (roughly 10cmx14cm) and a saucepan.
Add your olive oil (or other fat) to a large saucepan with the garlic, thyme and rosemary and place over a medium heat.
Allow it to simmer lightly for a few minutes, then turn off the heat.
Peel the potatoes and slice them as thinly as you can (ideally with a mandolin) and place into a large mixing bowl. Once the oil is cool enough to touch, pour it over the potatoes and mix well until evenly coated.
Layer the potatoes into your baking dish, allowing them to overlap slightly, until they cover the full surface area at the bottom of the dish. Repeat the layers until the dish is full.
Cover the dish with tinfoil and cook in the oven for 2 hours. When you take it out a knife should easily slide into the centre with no resistance.
Cover the potatoes with some baking parchment and weigh them down with heavy cans of food (e.g. coconut milk). Leave to cool to room temperature, then place into the fridge and leave to compress overnight
The next day, remove the potatoes and cut the block of potatoes into slices.
Heat 1cm of neutral oil in a deep frying pan and fry the potatoes slices, turning while you cook until golden on all sides. Remove and drain on paper towels. Enjoy!