GOOD NEWS 19/04/21

GOOD NEWS 19/04/21

Happy Monday everybody! Here’s your weekly roundup of positive environmental news from around the world 🥰

🐳 The UK has just launched the world’s largest ocean wildlife monitoring system covering over 4 million square kilometres of ocean space - today only 7.65% of oceans are categorised as protected

🦅 The American bald eagle population has quadrupled since 2009, in what has been described as “one of the most remarkable conservation success stories of all time”

🐭 Landowners and farmers in the Yorkshire Dales have come together to grow a six-mile stretch of hedgerows, in a bid to reverse the declining habitats and populations of our native dormice

🚶Outdoor therapy has been on the rise throughout lockdown: combining therapy with the benefits of walking or running in nature is helping people to heal more easily
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